Friday, July 16, 2010


So the whole purpose of going to Italy, (besides an excuse to see and experience Europe) Is for school. Happily I am studying art, so I'll be in Florence, the nesting ground for some of histories most amazing artists. I've worked really hard to make this opportunity happen and I am beyond greatful!

So I think I'm going to take 5 classes since i wont be working. The one's I have chosen are:

International Art Business: priming myself for the business world!

Florence Sketchbook: a drawing class where we get to draw things all around Florence!

Wine and Culture: learning about and drinking the wines of Italy!!

Intermediate Painting: good practice, may have some nude subjects!

and Sculpting: !!!!

I am extremely excited about the sculpting class, I have a feeling its going to add another branch to the things I create.

1 comment:

  1. Yay I'm glad you're incorporating a new medium! Florence Sketchbook sounds romantical ;] I hope you wear a beret and waltz around the town the way the blond lady in "Under The Tuscan Sun" does :]
